

5 Tips for Playing Football on Synthetic Lawn

[:pb]Football on Synthetic Lawn

Walking through any city, it is increasingly common to see sports courts. synthetic lawn. Currently, even traditional dirt fields in the floodplains are being gradually replaced by Synthetic grass.

There are around 9 million gamers football on synthetic turf, only in Brazil. The country already has federations in all states, in addition to approximately 150 leagues.

Even though it's basically the same sport, playing football on synthetic turf has its particularities. Only after a few games do you usually notice these specificities.

That is why Sports link separated the main tips and recommendations for practice. Check out:

1 – Purchase your own football boots Football on Synthetic Lawn

This tip is so essential that it is often a written rule on many courts around the world. This is because traditional football boots, made from natural grass, have large cleats, which do not fully enter the synthetic lawn.

In addition to being useless, traditional football boots cause more injuries and more serious injuries. High locks easily pierce the skin, for example. The boots for football club society they give players greater stability, more balance and hurt less when stomps happen.

2 – Locate yourself in the Countryside

The measures of society football courts — majority in which the practice of football on synthetic turf — are smaller than those of professional football. Proof of this is the reduced number of players: from 11 to 7 per team.

And getting used to the smaller field takes some time. That's why it's important to always be aware of the movements of teammates and opponents. This way it will be more difficult to leave “holes” in the composition and forget unmarked rivals.

3 – Kick, touch and get used to the ball

more and more to Synthetic grass enter the world of professional football. First-class clubs in Brazil and around the world have been mixing it with natural grass, aiming for a different dynamic with the ball.

This is because the ball runs with greater speed over the Synthetic grass. In addition to bouncing more, rising higher than when bouncing on natural grass. Those who are not used to it miss many moves due to the difference.

To avoid this, take advantage of that time before the game starts and test the ball. Shoot from close range, from distance, make passes, run with the ball at your foot. Get used to it!

4 – Buy a Correct Ball

Many people don't know. Not everyone knows that the football on synthetic turf must be practiced with a specific type of ball. Society pellets have a circumference and weight suitable for the terrain: between 66cm and 69cm and between 420g and 450g.

Talk to Sportlink

A Sports link specializes in manufacturing, synthetic grass, being recognized for the performance and quality of its Synthetic grass for the sports and recreational segment.

A reference in the market, it is ready to meet various demands related to Synthetic grass. Contact us and ask for a quote.

Contact us and ask your questions!

CONTACT-SPORTLINK[:is]Football on Synthetic Lawn

Walking through the cities is increasingly common to see fields of synthetic cushion.Currently, the traditional terraced fields of Várzea are being gradually replaced by synthetic slopes.

Considering Brazil alone, there are around 9 million synthetic soccer players.This country has federations in all states, in addition to approximately 150 leagues.

Although it is practically the same sport, playing at synthetic soccer it has its particularities. Only after some parties is it possible to understand these specificities more easily.

Therefore, Sports link The continuation highlights the best tips and recommendations for practicing this sport.

1 – Acquire appropriate ankle boots for him football on a synthetic surface.

This tip is so important that it is generally found as a written rule on many courts. This is because the boots used for traditional courts, are made of natural tops, and have large tops that do not fit completely into the synthetic top.

In addition to being inadequate, traditional ankle boots cause more injuries. High lids, for example, easily penetrate the skin. On the other hand, the boots for the football society provide greater stability to the players, greater balance and, in the eventual case of footsteps between the players, less pain.

2 – Get around the court

The measurements of society football courts – which are generally practiced synthetic soccer – they are smaller than professional football. Trying to reduce the number of players, this is from 11 to 7 players per team.

For players to adapt to a smaller court, time is needed. Therefore, it is important to always be aware of the movements of teammates and opponents.

3 – Patee, play and get used to the ball.

More and more the artificial head enters the world of professional football. Top-tier clubs in Brazil and around the world come by combining synthetic weight with natural weight with the aim of obtaining a different dynamic with the ball.

This is due to the ball sliding with greater agility through the synthetic head, in addition to chopping more, rising higher than it does in the natural head. Those who are not accustomed can lose many games due to this difference.

To avoid this, take some free time before starting the party and try your matches with the pelota. Pate de fence, de land, in other countries, run with the pelota on the ground and get used to the pelota!

4 – Buy the correct pellet

Many people are unaware of this type. Furthermore, many people don't know that hesynthetic soccer It has to be practiced with a specific type of pellet. The football balls have a circumference and weight suitable for the artificial terrain: between 66 cm. y 69 cm. y between 420 g. y 450 g.

Talk to Sportlink

Sports link Sportlink is specialized in the manufacture of synthetic turf, being recognized for his performance and the quality of his artificial career for the sports and recreational team.

It is a reference in the market and is prepared to meet various demands linked to the synthetic ceiling.

Get in touch and request an estimate!


5 Tips for Playing Football on Synthetic Lawn
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