

How to choose the right tennis ball for each type of tennis court

O Tennis It is one of the most practiced sports in Brazil and its success is due, in part, to the quality of the sports courts. 

The fact that most of the courts are made with sports synthetic grass makes games more dynamic and high-performance. 

In addition to the quality and resistance of the sports synthetic grass, another item that makes all the difference in sport is the tennis ball

Not everyone knows, but there are different types and sizes of balls, which are suitable for each type of court.

Do you know what tennis ball ideal for playing on a synthetic turf field

So stay tuned to this article, because the Sports link – manufacturing company synthetic sports grass – will explain the difference between each tennis ball!

What do official tennis balls look like?

For official and amateur games, the tennis ball must follow a standard size, color and weight. 

Therefore, white or yellow balls are normally used, with a velvety, uniform and seamless surface. 

According to the rules of the sport, the ball must measure between 6,35 and 6,67 centimeters in diameter, weighing between 56,7 and 58,5 grams.  

In addition, tennis balls undergo tests – according to International Tennis Federation (ITF) regulations – for size, bounce and deformation. 

Made from iron-pressed rubber, the balls are covered with artificial wool (nylon) and natural wool. 

As these items do not have holes for air entry, a nitrogen tablet is inserted in the middle of the two rubber parts that form the ball, being joined together like a special glue. 

After that, each ball is placed in a press at 200º C, where the vulcanization process begins. 

With the heat, the nitrogen pellet explodes, filling the ball with gas. 

Types of tennis ball 

There are 3 types of tennis balls: 

  • Balls for clay courts
  • Balls for hard or fast courts
  • Balls for any type of court

Clay court balls

Clay courts (dirt) are considered slow courts and, therefore, require tennis balls made with a greater quantity of synthetic wool. This makes the ball smoother and offers less friction.

Tennis balls for fast courts

For fast courts, such as tennis courts with Synthetic grass, the ball with less natural wool than synthetic in the felt are more recommended. 

As a result, natural wool produces greater friction, making the tennis ball a little slower. 

Tennis balls for all types of courts

As tennis balls used in any court, they are produced with a homogeneous mixture of natural and synthetic wool in the felt composition. Thus, these items adapt to any surface.

Well, now that you know the differences between each tennis ball, you just need to know how to carefully choose the courts where you will train. 

Therefore, prefer blocks with synthetic coating high quality, such as synthetic lawn produced by Sports link!

How to choose the right tennis ball for each type of tennis court
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