

Have you ever heard of Fut7?

Football is the national passion, and in addition to traditional football, which is played with 11 players on each side, there are also other sports that are popular with fans and players, Fut7.

Have you ever heard of Fut7

There is a great impasse in relation to who gave rise to this name, because in 1981 both Rio de Janeiro and Rio Grande do Sul started this type of game with the same rules.

But after all, what is Fut7?

Fut7 is the name given to Football Society, as it is played with seven players on each team and two referees refereeing the match. The modality lasts two halves of 25 minutes.

The Fut7 Society became official in 1996, when the Brazilian Confederation of Football 7 Society was founded.

There are currently Fut7 Federations in more than 26 states in Brazil, more than 30 thousand registered athletes, 12 million practitioners and more than 4 thousand Society football fields in Brazil alone.

Fut7 Society Rules Summary

The Society football field:

The dimensions of the field are on average 55 meters long by 35 meters wide. The marking lines must be 10 centimeters thick and white.

The Society football ball:

The ball is generally made of leather or some material approved for this sport. An interesting fact about the fut7 ball is that, if played from a height of 2 meters, the return of the first “bounce” cannot exceed 80 cm.

Number of players in football Society

As we said previously, the game is played by two teams of seven players, one of whom is the goalkeeper.

The match must start with this number, however the team can be reduced to five athletes during the game.

If one of the teams has less than 5 players, the match must be interrupted. And the team with fewer players will lose points from the game regardless of the score.

If both teams have less than 5 players on the field, neither will score points and the technical score will remain for statistical purposes.

Fut7 athletes uniform

The Fut7 players' uniform consists of: half-sleeved or long-sleeved shirt, short shorts, long socks, appropriate football boots made with canvas, calfskin or soft leather.

The goalkeeper must wear a uniform of a different color to the rest of the team, with the use of sweatpants for protection being permitted.

Football 7 Society game time

The duration of the Fut7 match is 50 minutes in the categories: veterans, masters, main, junior and youth. In the Categories: women's, children's, youth and children's, the game is played in 40 minutes. For the categories: children, pre-children and diapers, the game time is 30 minutes.

In all categories, the game is divided into two equal halves with a 10-minute break.

Other Fut7 rules

This modality is quite complex and has a series of recommendations and rules. In addition to the items mentioned above, there are several other rules of the game such as: definitions for the start of the game, game conditions, total of goals, infractions, free kick, throw-in, goal kick, corner throw, referee officials, rules of category, tiebreaker, maximum penalty, decision by throw-off and positioning of the referees.

Synthetic grass for Fut7 Society

Aiming to ensure optimized performance for players and savings on maintenance for those who own the field. A Sports link developed a specific lawn for this modality. Produced with high technology synthetic grass for the society field results in greater performance for the courts.

Do you want to set up a football field for Society?

Get in touch with Sportlink and meet the manufacturer of Synthetic grass reference in innovation and technology for sports.

Have you ever heard of Fut7?
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